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domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

PeoPle WiTh BoTh PhySicaL AnD MenTal DifficuLtieS.

According to the information center of the united nations an estimated 500 million people
worldwide have a physical disabilitymental or sensory impairment and about 80% of thesepeople live in developing countries.Usually people with disabilitiesdenied the possibility of education orprofessional development, are excluded fromnormal social and cultural relations,admitted unnecessarily in institutionsand have restricted access to public buildingsand transportation due to physical limitations.

But for them does not mean merelyothers do not accept overcrowding as they are,they do everything possible to completedevelopment as a normal person.

this video shows that not everyone has an equal, and that the most affected are people with disabilities

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