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domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

ThE AboRtioN...!!

Abortion may be spontaneous or provoked. The spontaneous occur either because there is the intrauterine death, or because different reasons motivated the expulsion of the new life abroad, where he died due to their inability to live outside the womb. If abortion is caused, is done either by killing the child in the womb or artificially forcing his removal to die abroad.

Causes of abortion.

The main problem of abortion is psychological and fear:

* Fear and lack of economic capacity to feed the child.

* Fear of what they say their parents or others.

* Health problems.

* Rape.

* Hormonal contraceptives.

Physical Effects of Abortion:

*Breast cancer. 
*Ovarian cancer, liver and cervical (cervix).
*Uterine perforation.
*Slashed neck (cervical).
*Placenta previa (sic).
*Disabled newborn in subsequent pregnancies.
*Ectopic Pregnancy.
*Pelvic inflammatory disease [pelvic inflammatory disease (pid)].
*Immediate complications.
*Additional risks for women with multiple abortions.
*Additional risks for teens.
*Worse general health.
*Additional risk factors that endanger health.

BuT In WoMeN WiTh PreGnanCy DifficUltiEs.

PreGnanCy iN WoMen WiTh ObeSity ...

Women with severeobesity are halfchances of getting pregnantassisted reproduction than thosehave a normal weight, warnsCoordinator GynecologyGinefiv Fertility Clinic, Victoria Verdú.

"Obese women who need assisted reproduction cycles have less chance of pregnancy by almost a third and half in the case of very obese," the gynecologist, who said that obesity "affects your ability to ovulate properly" .According to the study 'Impact of overweight on assisted reproduction Treatment', with only a loss of between 5 and 10 percent of body weight, reproductive status of the patient may improve, especially when reduced abdominal adipose tissue.Also, obese women may have higher risk of pregnancy induced hypertension or gestational diabetes. "In addition, you may have more difficulties in childbirth than women with normal weight which can lead to an increase in Caesarean sections," he says. In fact, according to a multicenter study with more than 6,000 obese women, 15 percent had a cesarean delivery.This problem can also increase the risk of blood loss, infections such as endometritis, infections of the cesarean scar or thromboembolism. It relates also to an increased risk of abortions and birth defects in the embryo.Weight control can improve reproductive function. To do so, according to the expert, "it is desirable to increase physical activity and avoid sedentary." For its part, the power "must be healthy, low fat foods and high intake of fruits, vegetables, white fish and cereals."

PeoPle WiTh BoTh PhySicaL AnD MenTal DifficuLtieS.

According to the information center of the united nations an estimated 500 million people
worldwide have a physical disabilitymental or sensory impairment and about 80% of thesepeople live in developing countries.Usually people with disabilitiesdenied the possibility of education orprofessional development, are excluded fromnormal social and cultural relations,admitted unnecessarily in institutionsand have restricted access to public buildingsand transportation due to physical limitations.

But for them does not mean merelyothers do not accept overcrowding as they are,they do everything possible to completedevelopment as a normal person.

this video shows that not everyone has an equal, and that the most affected are people with disabilities

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ThE RigHt To LiFe...!!

In this issue we will discuss,which is the right to life,as people who havephysical or mental difficultiestry every possible way to get ahead,women who have everything againstwhen having a babybut still give up your lifebecause this child is born and those who thinkbring a new being to life is only a burden.