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miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

¿What Are AnoRexia aNd bUliMia?

Anorexia (nervosa) is a disease characterized by intense fear of gaining weight and having a distorted body image, this leads to wanting to lose weight almost without eating (or eating food as little as possible) and excessive exercise. Important: it is not associated with any other organic disease prior. Anorexia produces alterations in the hormonal cycles and immunosuppression with increased risk of infections, Serving Brussels, approximately between 5 and 18% of anorexics die from malnutrition. Often, this condition is associated with depression and low self-esteem, and patients usually improve with antidepressants. Furthermore, psychotherapy and family therapy are essential for treatment, although it is for life.

With regard to bulimia, it is characterized by repeated episodes of overeating, in what follows-induced vomiting, laxatives, diet exaggerated and / or abuse of exercise to control weight. Sometimes the behavior seen in bulimic patients with anorexia nervosa. However, this condition alone does not produce significant weight loss, but it generates, because of induced vomiting, are gastrointestinal problems, and hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood), serious injuries to the teeth due to acid of vomiting. To treat the disease using various group therapy and conditioning.Antidepressants may also be effective, because many bulimics also suffer from depression.Both diseases usually occur in adolescents, especially girls, although from the recently emerged cases of adult women and men. Occurs because different psychological mechanisms, the most common, caused by social pressure that gives value to the thinness as physical attractiveness, but also by the difficulty of assuming a sexed body.

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