With regard to bulimia, it is characterized by repeated episodes of overeating, in what follows-induced vomiting, laxatives, diet exaggerated and / or abuse of exercise to control weight. Sometimes the behavior seen in bulimic patients with anorexia nervosa. However, this condition alone does not produce significant weight loss, but it generates, because of induced vomiting, are gastrointestinal problems, and hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood), serious injuries to the teeth due to acid of vomiting. To treat the disease using various group therapy and conditioning.Antidepressants may also be effective, because many bulimics also suffer from depression.Both diseases usually occur in adolescents, especially girls, although from the recently emerged cases of adult women and men. Occurs because different psychological mechanisms, the most common, caused by social pressure that gives value to the thinness as physical attractiveness, but also by the difficulty of assuming a sexed body.
Here you will find an explanation on why it is destroying our planet and we must do to not continue to destroy.
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010
¿What Are AnoRexia aNd bUliMia?
Anorexia (nervosa) is a disease characterized by intense fear of gaining weight and having a distorted body image, this leads to wanting to lose weight almost without eating (or eating food as little as possible) and excessive exercise. Important: it is not associated with any other organic disease prior. Anorexia produces alterations in the hormonal cycles and immunosuppression with increased risk of infections, Serving Brussels, approximately between 5 and 18% of anorexics die from malnutrition. Often, this condition is associated with depression and low self-esteem, and patients usually improve with antidepressants. Furthermore, psychotherapy and family therapy are essential for treatment, although it is for life.
With regard to bulimia, it is characterized by repeated episodes of overeating, in what follows-induced vomiting, laxatives, diet exaggerated and / or abuse of exercise to control weight. Sometimes the behavior seen in bulimic patients with anorexia nervosa. However, this condition alone does not produce significant weight loss, but it generates, because of induced vomiting, are gastrointestinal problems, and hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood), serious injuries to the teeth due to acid of vomiting. To treat the disease using various group therapy and conditioning.Antidepressants may also be effective, because many bulimics also suffer from depression.Both diseases usually occur in adolescents, especially girls, although from the recently emerged cases of adult women and men. Occurs because different psychological mechanisms, the most common, caused by social pressure that gives value to the thinness as physical attractiveness, but also by the difficulty of assuming a sexed body.
With regard to bulimia, it is characterized by repeated episodes of overeating, in what follows-induced vomiting, laxatives, diet exaggerated and / or abuse of exercise to control weight. Sometimes the behavior seen in bulimic patients with anorexia nervosa. However, this condition alone does not produce significant weight loss, but it generates, because of induced vomiting, are gastrointestinal problems, and hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood), serious injuries to the teeth due to acid of vomiting. To treat the disease using various group therapy and conditioning.Antidepressants may also be effective, because many bulimics also suffer from depression.Both diseases usually occur in adolescents, especially girls, although from the recently emerged cases of adult women and men. Occurs because different psychological mechanisms, the most common, caused by social pressure that gives value to the thinness as physical attractiveness, but also by the difficulty of assuming a sexed body.
SuBjeCt oF oUr IntEreSt...!!
Anorexia fashion and what unites them?
No more princesses porcelain on the catwalk.
Fashion is the imposing new standards of beauty. That no doubt. From the supermodels of the nineties, in which curves were vital to the appearance of Kate Moss, in the same decade, the trend began to turn messy so androgynous. But in most cases within the parameters of the thin beauty queen as the main characteristic of belonging. It wants to blame the models, when in fact it is industry that require such measurements, impossible for the vast majority of society. Although there are free, the designers may have much of the blame, by requiring ultra thin girls to fit in narrow parts or to look better in photo campaigns, etc. It is true that the girls who work in this universe must meet certain aesthetic paradigms (always from a healthy, but who controls it?), But not those that do not belong to this world. Is that fashion reflects a world where glamor and success seem to be paired with the exquisite beauty of an ultra thin. But looks like Kate Moss have put on top of a model (knowing who suffer from eating disorders) or his "heir? Agyness Dyen, a British-haired shortie and very, very thin.
But since the anorexia and bulimia came into vogue (unfortunately), the fashion industry wanted to get rid of the heavy weight of resulting in death or eternal hell for thousands of girls, and therefore decided that only the most important fashion showsThese are those girls who have a normal body mass index (a method for classifying the nutritional status), and according to the World Health Organization in adults a healthy BMI is in the range of 18.5 to 25. Who started all this was Spain, where Pasarela Cibeles, which meant the exclusion of this gateway to excessively thin models. It was followed by London, Milan, and most recently Paris, where representatives from the world of fashion, advertising and communication (federations of fashion pret-à-porter and haute couture, modeling agencies, unions, the Union of garment industry or the Bureau of Advertising Verification-BVP-), have signed, along with the French Health Ministry, a code of conduct to combat anorexia.This agreement, called "Letter of voluntary commitment on body image and anti-anorexia"-the result of an initiative launched by the French Government over a year, aims to commit to not broadcast images of people, especially young people, who can help promote a model of extreme thinness. On the other hand, for the field of fashion and creation, will be implemented an information campaign on the risks caused by the extreme thinness. In this country is that this disease affects approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people. A lot right?
One of the issues that sparked the controversy was the death from this disease in two Latin American models (a Brazilian and Uruguayan)-plus thousands of cases that appear every day in the balloon, and since then the ghost of anorexia associated with the fashion set in this universe. Although only blame fashion is very easy, there are other factors that help a lot. Advertising, media, the opinion of others (from friends, family to society), that although many who are horrified with anorexia, on the other hand make fun of fat people or even just plump , who discriminate tedious comments.
No more princesses porcelain on the catwalk.
Fashion is the imposing new standards of beauty. That no doubt. From the supermodels of the nineties, in which curves were vital to the appearance of Kate Moss, in the same decade, the trend began to turn messy so androgynous. But in most cases within the parameters of the thin beauty queen as the main characteristic of belonging. It wants to blame the models, when in fact it is industry that require such measurements, impossible for the vast majority of society. Although there are free, the designers may have much of the blame, by requiring ultra thin girls to fit in narrow parts or to look better in photo campaigns, etc. It is true that the girls who work in this universe must meet certain aesthetic paradigms (always from a healthy, but who controls it?), But not those that do not belong to this world. Is that fashion reflects a world where glamor and success seem to be paired with the exquisite beauty of an ultra thin. But looks like Kate Moss have put on top of a model (knowing who suffer from eating disorders) or his "heir? Agyness Dyen, a British-haired shortie and very, very thin.
One of the issues that sparked the controversy was the death from this disease in two Latin American models (a Brazilian and Uruguayan)-plus thousands of cases that appear every day in the balloon, and since then the ghost of anorexia associated with the fashion set in this universe. Although only blame fashion is very easy, there are other factors that help a lot. Advertising, media, the opinion of others (from friends, family to society), that although many who are horrified with anorexia, on the other hand make fun of fat people or even just plump , who discriminate tedious comments.
domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010
ThE AboRtioN...!!
Abortion may be spontaneous or provoked. The spontaneous occur either because there is the intrauterine death, or because different reasons motivated the expulsion of the new life abroad, where he died due to their inability to live outside the womb. If abortion is caused, is done either by killing the child in the womb or artificially forcing his removal to die abroad.
Causes of abortion.
The main problem of abortion is psychological and fear:
* Fear and lack of economic capacity to feed the child.
* Fear of what they say their parents or others.
* Health problems.
* Rape.
* Hormonal contraceptives.
Physical Effects of Abortion:
*Breast cancer.
*Ovarian cancer, liver and cervical (cervix).
*Uterine perforation.
*Slashed neck (cervical).
*Placenta previa (sic).
*Disabled newborn in subsequent pregnancies.
*Ectopic Pregnancy.
*Pelvic inflammatory disease [pelvic inflammatory disease (pid)].
*Immediate complications.
*Additional risks for women with multiple abortions.
*Additional risks for teens.
*Worse general health.
*Additional risk factors that endanger health.
Causes of abortion.
The main problem of abortion is psychological and fear:
* Fear and lack of economic capacity to feed the child.
* Fear of what they say their parents or others.
* Health problems.
* Rape.
* Hormonal contraceptives.
Physical Effects of Abortion:
*Breast cancer.
*Ovarian cancer, liver and cervical (cervix).
*Uterine perforation.
*Slashed neck (cervical).
*Placenta previa (sic).
*Disabled newborn in subsequent pregnancies.
*Ectopic Pregnancy.
*Pelvic inflammatory disease [pelvic inflammatory disease (pid)].
*Immediate complications.
*Additional risks for women with multiple abortions.
*Additional risks for teens.
*Worse general health.
*Additional risk factors that endanger health.
BuT In WoMeN WiTh PreGnanCy DifficUltiEs.
PreGnanCy iN WoMen WiTh ObeSity ...
Women with severeobesity are halfchances of getting pregnantassisted reproduction than thosehave a normal weight, warnsCoordinator GynecologyGinefiv Fertility Clinic, Victoria Verdú.
Women with severeobesity are halfchances of getting pregnantassisted reproduction than thosehave a normal weight, warnsCoordinator GynecologyGinefiv Fertility Clinic, Victoria Verdú.
"Obese women who need assisted reproduction cycles have less chance of pregnancy by almost a third and half in the case of very obese," the gynecologist, who said that obesity "affects your ability to ovulate properly" .According to the study 'Impact of overweight on assisted reproduction Treatment', with only a loss of between 5 and 10 percent of body weight, reproductive status of the patient may improve, especially when reduced abdominal adipose tissue.Also, obese women may have higher risk of pregnancy induced hypertension or gestational diabetes. "In addition, you may have more difficulties in childbirth than women with normal weight which can lead to an increase in Caesarean sections," he says. In fact, according to a multicenter study with more than 6,000 obese women, 15 percent had a cesarean delivery.This problem can also increase the risk of blood loss, infections such as endometritis, infections of the cesarean scar or thromboembolism. It relates also to an increased risk of abortions and birth defects in the embryo.Weight control can improve reproductive function. To do so, according to the expert, "it is desirable to increase physical activity and avoid sedentary." For its part, the power "must be healthy, low fat foods and high intake of fruits, vegetables, white fish and cereals."
PeoPle WiTh BoTh PhySicaL AnD MenTal DifficuLtieS.
According to the information center of the united nations an estimated 500 million people
worldwide have a physical disabilitymental or sensory impairment and about 80% of thesepeople live in developing countries.Usually people with disabilitiesdenied the possibility of education orprofessional development, are excluded fromnormal social and cultural relations,admitted unnecessarily in institutionsand have restricted access to public buildingsand transportation due to physical limitations.
But for them does not mean merelyothers do not accept overcrowding as they are,they do everything possible to completedevelopment as a normal person.
this video shows that not everyone has an equal, and that the most affected are people with disabilities
More Information on:
worldwide have a physical disabilitymental or sensory impairment and about 80% of thesepeople live in developing countries.Usually people with disabilitiesdenied the possibility of education orprofessional development, are excluded fromnormal social and cultural relations,admitted unnecessarily in institutionsand have restricted access to public buildingsand transportation due to physical limitations.
But for them does not mean merelyothers do not accept overcrowding as they are,they do everything possible to completedevelopment as a normal person.
this video shows that not everyone has an equal, and that the most affected are people with disabilities
More Information on:
ThE RigHt To LiFe...!!
In this issue we will discuss,which is the right to life,as people who havephysical or mental difficultiestry every possible way to get ahead,women who have everything againstwhen having a babybut still give up your lifebecause this child is born and those who thinkbring a new being to life is only a burden.
domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010
HoW To ChAnGe PoLluTioN In LiFe ...
because what we want with this
project is in addition to publicize
the damage that man himself has
created, and affecting the
environment, is trying to give
a solution and say
to do so will cover the whole issue
of contamination and investigate
what are the things that do
more damage to our planet, so we
can do campaigns and projects to
reduce pollution, so if only in our city.
project is in addition to publicize
the damage that man himself has
created, and affecting the
environment, is trying to give
a solution and say
to do so will cover the whole issue
of contamination and investigate
what are the things that do
more damage to our planet, so we
can do campaigns and projects to
reduce pollution, so if only in our city.
sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010
PolLutiOn In rIveRs aNd weTlanDs BoGotA...
The wetland ecosystem is intermediate between the aquatic and terrestrial,
with cool wet and dry sub-humid, characterized by the presence
of unique flora and fauna.
Fucha River Basin has an area of 12,991 hectares 4,545 urban and rural areas, covering the eastern hills, and through the towns of San Cristobal, Santa Fe, Candelaria, Martyrs, Antonio Nariño, Rafael Uribe, Puente Aranda, Teusaquillo Kennedy Fontibón.
Nicolas Rincon Tello...
the issue that we will
discuss is about pollution
and all damages even
if we bring the man
responsible for these
Cristian Andres Sosa...
The issue that we deal with is very interesting
because the pollution is an issue that
affects us all.and it is a topic that everyone is
outstanding but not working
together for improvement.
The work we do is a very interesting
project because with this we will
know more about pollution and what to do.
Katheryn Vega...
In this project I think we can try
to make them realize people
that the planet is in danger.
Andrea Espinosa Duran...
I like working with these projects is very interesting
and important because it speaks of what we live
everyday and what this living planet
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